If you’ve spent any time watching home buying shows, you have seen exchanges that go something like this:
Realtor: What are you looking for in a home?
Realtor: What are you looking for in a home?
Buyer: At least four bedrooms, three baths, a large back yard, open concept, move-in ready, and walking distance from both our jobs…oh, and a white kitchen.
Realtor (shaking head): Okay, and what is your budget?
Buyer: No more than $250,000.
You don’t have to live in the Bay Area to know that getting everything on that wish list, especially with that budget, is unrealistic. So, what should a homebuyer, especially a first time homebuyer, look for?
Before making your wish list, think about how you use your home
Do you like the idea of entertaining more than you actually entertain?
Don’t pay for space you don’t actually need. Not only will you pay for it in your monthly mortgage, but it’s more space to clean, heat, and cool. If you only realistically have visitors a couple of times a year, it would be cheaper to put them up in a hotel.
Why do you want an open floor plan?
Open floor plans are very trendy right now, but they won’t be forever. In fact, there is already a growing backlash. Open floor plans are great for keeping your eyes on your little ones, but you also sacrifice a lot of quiet and privacy. Unless you always keep your kitchen spotless, an open floor plan can be a big hassle, and a potential source of embarrassment.
What should you look for?
In a nutshell, you should look for a good house. Location is important, but if adding 10 minutes to your commute will buy you a more relaxing home, the trade off is probably worth it.
Even if you are handy, look for the basics, like a good roof, good plumbing and electrical, and a good foundation. You should also look for the minimum amount of space you need, and go from there. Except for the location, all the rest is cosmetic and can be changed over time.
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